Omega3 fish oil is all the rage today.
Yes omega3 has some great benefits for your health. It is one of the better natural medicinal suppliments.
Main benefiets of oemega3 are reduced cholestorol and better heart health. Some say it helps with arthritis and others do not agree with that statement.
I personaly take omega3 fish oil daily for heart health. It reduces blood pressure and cholestoral. It lowers bad cholestoral and rasies good cholestoral so that is good all around.
It can reduce or thin blood so i would not take it with vitamin e everyday. You can take asprin with it but i would take one full asprin one day then omega3 next day so blood is not to thined out.
Basicaly they say you should take a full asprin every other day now instead of low dose asprin daily. For some reason taking full dose every other day reduces chances of getting colon cancer in studies just released.
Omega3 is in fruits nuts and fish. The big story is the ice land fish oil craze. The link on side of this site has details of it. You can get omega3 with walnuts and flax seed but fish oil has 2 more things in it that helps more.
The walnut and flax seed are good ways to boost oemga3 and eat at same time. Maybe add flaxseed to salads and i eat walnuts instead of peanuts at night.
The studioes show lower cholestoral and better heart health so omega3 is a good natural supliment. I would take it every other day and then take one asprin the other days. This way you get best of both worlds and save money.
I personaly can tell difference after taking omega3 for a few weeks. I seem to have more energy and i am not out of breath doing same amount of excerise. Does it work i say yes. Will it hurt you in any way no but make sure if you take any prescription to tell doctor if you useing omega3. Blood thinners and other heart medicine might be increased by omega3 so talk it over with doctor if you are on any medicines.
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